Published: February 19, 2025
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00:00:00 there are two main components of propstream and those two things are you can use this to analyze an individual property or you can use this for lead generation now before we get any further what's the cost the cost of propstream is $97 a month and Daniel actually applied D I don't know if we applied the link but I'll find that link in just a second and put it in the chat but uh in a few moments you'll see a link and that link will give you 7-Day trial and then it'll also give you that $97 a month
00:00:28 cost there's no yearly subscription so if you only need it for a month to pull a list or to comp a property and then that's it just call it and cancel and then you can rejuvenate your account whenever you like okay but the two main things are analyzing an individual property so I like to believe you know when you have a lead uh that's when you're going to use us you're going to type in that address and pull up that property information and here's what you get property details demographics like how many owners versus renters in the
00:00:55 area mortgage information so if you're doing you know subject twos or you know of seller financing or buying mortgage notes you're going to probably need that information link properties Kelly um this might be beneficial to you you can see if a person has multiple properties and so if your property matches their portfolio you might just have found your buyer um you can run comps using public records or MLS records we're very familiar with no two properties being the same so if you're dealing with
00:01:24 dilapidated property you could use our public record cash transactions most of these are off market right and they're not full value value property so that's how you can get your dilapidated value but if your house is uh renovated or you're the fix and flipper and you just finish your project and what is it going to be worth that's when our MLS data comes in you can use our MLS data to get an after repair value or even a rental value and then you can buy documents Deeds pre- forclosures accessors Maps
00:01:50 mortgage documents just to name a few also if you see any red ases those are an additional cost so documents can be anywhere from $150 to $5 depending on the document and then we also have rehab calculators like a an Adu calculator if you're looking to do an an accessory dwelling unit or even um an actual renovation calculator so if you're trying to remodel the kitchen prop can give you local level cost on that stuff so that's one aspect of propstream type in an address go in the details and this
00:02:21 is what we're going to supply you with second part of propstream is the lead generation part there's three parts to it now you don't need to use all three parts but they are there you need it now for me everyone does part one that's pretty self-explanatory and that's build your list so search any Market in the us because we are nationwide filter through our data save your results and then you can export those addresses if that's all you need is just addresses and that's our part one users they'll take those
00:02:47 addresses and then they'll give it to their brokerages and they'll start mailing out postcards or whatever it may be part two is Skip tracing so for 12 cents an address we can get you a phone number or an email and we'll also scr it on the Do Not Call list at no additional cost so I could build a list of let's say senior owners and then within about 3 minutes get their phone numbers and emails and then export that data that's part two so if you don't need the phone numbers you're part one if you need the
00:03:13 phone numbers then you're part one and part two and then part three is our marketing that includes a website so you can build a list and then create a website for that list so senior owner list would you like to find a retirement home that's my website right and then you could send postcards and emails to that list that you just built so that's the lead generation part again some asress is here cuz some of these components will come at an additional costs and then some of our additional features the mobile app we can give you
00:03:41 the same data on the go the mobile app can purchase documents skip trace and postcards there's also driving for dollars features in there as well team member accounts and list automation we can take this part one and automate it so you can build a buyer list a pre-foreclosure list a lean list whatever list you want and then we can automate you never have to search it again we'll notify you when new leads appear and we'll actually automatically move it into your list hence the word list automator so this is a quick table
00:04:11 of contents of what our product can do the two main components are analyzing a property and lead generation okay so let's go into prop stream now all right so when you're in prop stream the first thing that you'll see is our popup talks about all of our new stuff and free resources like our webinars that we do but when you close out of it again Nationwide is your playground toolbars on the le- hand side we start you on the search page why because you we again believe you just logged in either analyze a property or searched uh or
00:04:42 build a list right one of the two we don't know so have fun here but let's talk about analyzing a property so let's say um I'm I'm in Southern California so if I wanted to analyze a property in my neighborhood I'd be going in Irvine where I'm at now actually more over here gr Santa Margarita and I would just type in an address or I would click on a parcel and then right away I can go into the details of that property now what I do recommend is if you actually have the address search the address instead and
00:05:13 here's why you click on the parcel and you just get like this little box but if you search the address our data can go to work for you did the wrong copy and paste let me do that again copy and then paste that so here's what happens when you actually search the property that box goes over here on the right hand side so let's remove that now so this is actually what the format looks like when you search an address so subject properties is the green one that box is now here on the right side all the red little uh
00:05:44 indicators are the nearby listings starting with the neighbors so do you need to know probably not but just in case like as you can see this is a cue sack so maybe like the values here are more similar than houses over here perhaps right so this is where that could be beneficial but you have neighboring records I could click on MLS so I can see the MLS history around the area the pre-foreclosure around the area and if any foreclosures around the area as well below the map again this only appears if
00:06:15 you search the address below the map we can give you statistics for the city like if there's been positive or negative price rent changes since we have MLS data you could see things like average days on market for bedroom properties in this market go in about 83 days on average as for rental prices this is ridiculous but $4,100 a month for a four-bedroom property in this market yeah it's California sucks I'm seeing more of my paycheck go to rent than anything Welcome to my life but um other than that again you have the last thing
00:06:48 we're going to do is not just give you the details on the right side statistics down below but we are just going to give you the local listings in the area so in the m in the city of Mission Vio here's how many properties that are listed how many cash transactions have occurred oh and let's not forget we have Google Maps too which means you can zoom in you can rotate uh you can even drop yourself street view right take a look at the houses complement the car maybe there's a basketball court bring that up someone
00:07:17 in the house is going to college because of it you just brought yourself your foot through the door right I tell people this all the time you got to imagine like back in the 60s and 70s there was a real estate investor wanting to see photos right then and there and and I'm I'll be honest with these aren't live photos so that truck could have been sold hey maybe they tell you that and maybe they tell you why they sold it maybe it's because of financial issues there's your lead right so just even
00:07:42 bringing up photos the neighborhood right do your kids play on that Hill across the street those are things that people can utilize to stir conversation so don't forget that okay but that's just what happens when you search the property we really want you to go into the det details of the property so just like I showed you in the PowerPoint earlier property details demographics mortgage info and all that other stuff uh that's all found when you go into the details so this is what happens when I go into the details of
00:08:13 this property first thing we're going to show you obviously is the address because we have MLS data if we have any MLS photos of the property uh that's what we'll show you so back in August of 2022 when this property was on the market this is what it looked like now if you want to see satellite images below all the property characteristics there's a map view button and it just isolates that property satellite wise now if we get away from that below that are just quick property info like beds bathroom square
00:08:43 footage uh property type whether it's on Market whether there's an HOA who owns the property how many years they've owned it all this other stuff value lashers value mortgage data so here we have two open mortgages calculating a balance of 380 or 308 collectively no involuntary lean so no tax leans no HOA leads no utilities no solar leads on this property uh the last time it sold was back in 2018 but there was a transfer that was the last document to occur on the property and then the opportunity so um there's about
00:09:20 $1.3 million in equity that we calculate how did we get that estimated value minus the estimated balance equals estimated Equity this owner has three properties under their portfolio uh we have a 70% value this is what we call the wholesale price right now I'll be honest with you that will never work in this market it's No One's Gonna sell their house in Orange County for 70% 85% maybe 90% maybe but just be aware that that value may not apply to every Market uh but you have your monthly rent gross yield and then comps
00:09:53 at a glance so this is what we call our dashboard um just really quick maybe important for but if you really want to like dive deep into the details of the property just scroll further down starting with property details that's where it all comes in so owner's information you could see the trusts the different mailing addresses that they have property characteristics uh if there's an HOA who's the HOA the the last transfer information here the last sell information here so it was transferred in 2020 but the
00:10:26 actual last sell was back in 2018 now usually after property details this is what makes prop unique is what we call situational data so the historical data or the situational data that we found on this property was back in 2018 it was on market right so it sold back in 2018 now just to give you an idea how that can alter depending on the property if I click on a pre-foreclosure for example and I go to that pre-foreclosure looks just like the other properties but there's a pre-foreclosure detail tab now
00:11:00 and it talks about that pre-foreclosure and if you see a PDF file you can click on it and buy that document for five bucks uh there's also a lean on this property and this property is also pending on the market so even without talking to the owner I already know what happen some Financial issue came around you couldn't pay your mortgages you couldn't pay your bills the leans started coming in Ho is like hey we want our money and then the lenders are like yeah we want our money too so instead of
00:11:27 losing your house to a foreclosure sale or selling it in cash you decided let's just list it on the market for 1.9 that's why I love data it tells you a story before even talking to anybody right now let's say it falls apart oh no it didn't sell can't do it is it actually worth $1.9 million that's where the comparables comes into play right so this is why we do property details first then all that situational data and hey if you still like it then the comp section comes into play and then here you can play with our comps
00:12:00 our flip comps neighboring data they're all loading right now or I'm lagging but again different options for you depending on the situation the most popular one is probably comparables because this is where you could select from public records or I need MLS data or maybe both show me the off-market and onm Market transactions and then you have filters we don't comp for you you apply your filter so you can keep it to a year you can reduce it you can extend it uh apply your beds and bathrooms Square footages you can decrease or
00:12:33 increase your distance right maybe you need to go out of miles so show me all the properties within a one mile radius or not a mile how about a 75 mile radius instead right so you can make your adjustments and let's not forget because we have so much data Apples to Apples you know make sure it's residential make sure it has the same property type and then once you get your results the cool thing is you can deselect and then start making your selection so you could say Okay I want number one as my true comp
00:13:03 um $5,700 well that's a rental don't need that number two is another good comp right number four is that a good comp let's look at the photos there's a little photo icon and now I can take a look at the pictures and see if this is similar right what's the layout okay that house does look similar based on the photos let's go ahead and select that so the whole option here is that we don't do any comping for you our job is to just go go get that data and present it to you so do your due diligence add
00:13:33 your filters select your comps we're going to give you that average sell price depending on the selection that you've made and then last but certainly not least go to actions remember this button actions because then you can hit view comp report and take the filters that you applied plus the selections that you just made and this is what we do we slap it all on a onepage report there's the subject property with its details the history on the property your search criteria so now the owner can say hey
00:14:04 you're making this up nope s uh two-thirds of a mile from your property sold SFRs same bathrooms same bedrooms blah blah blah blah here's what we found low is$ 1.75 million the highest is $2 million average is $1.8 million here is your property compared to those properties the high five four bedrooms you don't have the four bathrooms I said bedrooms four bathrooms so see I'm a I'm able to educate the owner because most owners don't know what we know and so they're going to be like yeah I want 2 million because that's what that house down the
00:14:37 street just sold for well you're right I'm not saying you're not right but the similarities are much different right so renovated yours is not renovated bigger yours is not as big so now we're using data to educate we can even show them where those comps are subject to the property and just to rub it in a little bit um keep scrolling down we'll show them the comps and the photos so now when they're looking at these nice renovated comps and they're looking at that leaky roof in their house you know
00:15:06 why we're not giving you $2 million right so photos are very big definitely take advantage of that and that's all found in our comping section so property details situational data the comps and then our new prop intelligence which took us a few years to develop but here's what our AI is doing it's not like a chatbot or any of that nonsense our AI data right now is doing two things one go through these photos that were uploaded and give us a grade look at the floor look at the walls look at all that stuff right do what I could do
00:15:40 but I don't have time to go through however many photos per property 29 prop photos on this property it's ridiculous so AI is going to do it for us and then it's going to give me a total condition on that property hey based on all those photos we just looked at this property is in excellent condition the interior is good the exterior is good the interior is good kitchen and bathroom are excellent and again we can confirm that right we look at the bathrooms we look at the kitchen we can see all that good stuff
00:16:07 where is the kitchen there it is so that's AI so that's the first thing where our AI can do is hey give us a grade on all these photos that you see is it in disrepair is it in um great condition and that intelligence tab expands the data so you can see why we graded it that way the second thing we told our AI data to do is go through all that pre-foreclosure data that we have and look for indicators look for behaviors look for commonalities essentially and they're running across all the addresses in the market so we
00:16:39 did that to every property and that gives us a foreclosure Factor now this person's at a 70% foreclosure factor meaning they're heading in that direction now granted they're not 100% why because pending right now now what happens if that failed I don't want to laugh but that's a nervous laugh because I've seen it where someone has a pre forclosure they have leans and then they failed on the market and that is at like a 89 90% tile that doesn't mean they're going to get into foreclosure I mean there's still options for them cash sell
00:17:13 maybe someone buys the note or something creative right but that's how that foreclosure Factor works and our intelligence tab uh breaks that down even further so it talks about what each of those grades represent so for this person being medium high uh properties with the medium high likelihood of going to have default score hypo looks like we're missing a paragraph here yeah so it's it's it's one and a half times likely to go into foreclosure because High which is the category next to it is three times that one is one and a half
00:17:44 times so what it's saying is that out of like 10 properties right one property just bought last month one year of ownership less than a year and then number 10 being you know 30 years of ownership you know no more mortgages right what it's saying is that if we just look at the house in the middle that average this house based on the data is about one and a half times more likely to go into foreclosure than that average property in the neighborhood so really powerful data that's our new intelligence data following that this
00:18:17 one also took some time our demographics now the reason it took time is we made sure it was within one mile of every property so in this market within a one M radius of this prop property there's more owners than there are renters nobody rents in this area everyone buys and stays in this area this is a area where you buy your house and you live in it so in this area 99 percentile but let's go to a different area let's go up to a little bit more downtown is area so I go over here and I click on a property
00:18:51 and then I go into the details of that property and I go into the demographics of that property and because this is one mile of this property notice how the have changed so Orange County more affluent neighborhood people don't rent there they buy and they retire but a little further north northern Orange County where it's a little bit more dense population right a little bit more middle income lower income got more renters out there and again for me that's very important because that's going to let me know what my strategy is
00:19:21 for that property if I'm the investor hey hire a renter area I should use this as a portfolio property if I AC ired an asset in this market I'm fixing and flipping it in this market does that make sense based on the demographics so that's the way I've interpret it there's a lot of other very valuable information in there um owners versus renters and all that stuff but you know take advantage that following the intelligence and demographics is our tax info pretty self-explanatory the only thing that we did was we took their tax
00:19:53 bill address reversed engineered it so you can see all the other properties that are ALS o assigned on that on that port or tax address so not only do they have a property here in southern Orange County but they have two other uh oh they have time shares uh in Riverside which is a county just Eastward uh of us and then the mortgage and transaction history there's a regular mortgage there's also a credit line um you can see the type the interest rates that we've calculated and then the documents and
00:20:25 reports so that's our property details that's like one half of our product and remember this is Nationwide so I can go to like Birmingham Alabama right now clear my search and then just zoom in and click on a property and now the Southern California Kid over here can talk to a homeowner across the United States and know who is on the title know the demographics in that market so if I acquire this asset I know hey I could either maybe rent it out or Fix and Flip It uh tax information see if there's a
00:21:00 mortgage on it which in this case no because they bought it in cash back in 2019 so it's free and clear so that's our property details for you now because there's a lot of information and if anybody is new to approaching data uh here's my advice again I've been working with professionals quite a bit there's many ways to approach it but the best way I always like to teach it just remember the word comps just it just remember comps and try to approach it that way when you're analyzing your next property just remember comps figure out
00:21:33 the condition right is it at 100% because they renovated it last week and now they just want to sell it is it dilapitated and maybe 50% compared to a renovated property right because that's going to determine what your exit strategy value is going to be so understand the condition you can use our data our photos right ask questions obviously two obstacles is there a pre-foreclosure is it on Market is there a lean does the owner need to move out and 90 days cuz their parents are sick some of these obstacles we're not going
00:22:01 to have I call that life data so it's still imperative that you speak to these homeowners and understand their entire situation mortgage data because once you understand the property is at 80% so we can't sell it for a million dollars but we can maybe offer you $800,000 but you got to move in 60 days so we got to do this quick that's your obstacle right the mortgage oh you have a mortgage half a million dollars so okay we got to worry about that as well and then your price that's when the comp actually comes in so I know you're at
00:22:31 80% condition you got to move in 60 days you have a half a million dollar mortgage the properties in the areas that are renovated are selling for a million dollars great now you can apply your strategy based on all that data I just shared with you million doll comps you have a mortgage of half a million dollars you got to move in 60 days your house is probably 80% in market value right now how does $750,000 cash right now sound and we can wire that over to you in about a week I'm not coming out of the blue right and
00:23:01 that's going to hopefully make them happy it covers their half a million dollar mortgage it puts a quarter million dollars in their pocket I now assume all the risk on an 80% valued property I have to put all the work in to get it at a million dollars but that's the conversation I will have with that homeowner so again for those that are watching not sure where to start with all that data just remember comps and feel free to mix it around I've got people that do obstacles first they want to know what the issue is first and then
00:23:26 they worry about everything else okay but typically you're going to need to know all these elements uh during your your conversation with that homeowner okay so that's our property details now the reason I started there with the property details is because that's what actually fuels our lead generation and lead generation again there's three parts to it we'll focus on part one right now but all you have to do when it comes to leaden is type in your city your ZIP code or a county we also have a draw search feature which is like right
00:23:59 here on the map so if I just wanted like this whole area left click left click left click left click search this area hit enter now show me all the pre-foreclosures properties that are listed like all of our categories are going to be available to you plus our search filter you can go in here and say I want a failed listing in the area I want a cash transaction in the area so you can either Farm a very small area using our draw search feature or if you're trying to find as many leads as possible search the entire market right
00:24:30 go as far as you're willing to go so whether that's a county a city a zip code feel free then once you pull up your market like I have here with 100 plus thousand records I honestly would ignore this main page and just go straight into our filter menu this is where the lead generation takes place on the left hand side you have several categories starting with our lead list options now none of these categories are mandatory so you could skip over you don't have to choose a lead list you can go to property details or you can just
00:24:59 filter for those prop intelligence uh grades that we talked about or maybe filter for who in the market has a VA loan right now here are your 1,800 properties with a VA loan so you have the ability to get really specific it very granular if you want but the reality is there's a lot of filters so without going over every line item here are the best practices um if you were to ask me Burton how would you approach building a list in any Market I'd say there's two ways to do it one there's a traditional
00:25:32 way and that includes picking a list again as I told you when we first started all we did was replace what people were doing go to the county grab a list you can do that in prop stream now if you are going to do that here are some advice I would prefer that you apply right after make sure it's off Market unless you want it on Market I would be lying to you if I told you all of our users going onm Market 99% of our users are off-market users so pick your list and then make sure it's off market right after third I don't know what you
00:26:02 know but apply your Equity because if you're a fix and flipper and that's all you do you need Equity if you're a wholeseller that's all you do that then you need Equity but if you do short selles subject tws creative seller financing maybe you don't need Equity right so I don't know what you know but make sure you know your strategy and does that need Equity yes or no apply it fourth I showed you we have a lot of data so do yourself the favor don't waste time don't waste marketing money tell us the type of property you need
00:26:32 and the owner that you need do you need an individual owner with three properties or do you want a trust with 15 properties because if you don't tell us we're going to give you we're going to give you all of it we're going to give you the vacant lands the Condominiums the zoos you name it yeah I did say zoo we do have Zoo data in propstream so the first way is the traditional method and if we're going to follow that it looks like this go to Birmingham Alabama let's go through the lead list now I'm looking for a distress
00:27:00 homeowner so how about someone wouldn't pay their taxes because it's either pay your taxes lose your home or maybe it's time to consider my offer so go through all the tax delinquent properties but as you can see vacant land single family we might have an apartment complex in here along the way so we got to continue further and some of these could be on Market so Step One is pick your list step two go to the MLS section and where it says on Market no don't need it on Market step three apply the equity that
00:27:34 you need so I'm going to play make believe right now I'm a fix and flipper I want to fix and flip this property so let's make sure that this property owner has at least 60% or more in equity so there are my properties with 60% in equity or more and then last fourth property details and owner information so let's start with property details don't need vacant lands don't need any of that I just want residential and you get to choose residential or even multif family like duplexes Apartments Condominiums
00:28:08 whatever you can multi select if you'd like so I want the single family I want also two to four units okay there you're 814 and then last but not least remember you get to control who's calling you back what do I mean by that this is a list you're going to Market to so if you go to owner information and you say I want corporate offices on this l list when you mark it to these 218 properties guess who's calling you back corporate offices are calling you back so if you don't want to deal with corporate
00:28:35 offices you just want to talk to an individual person just choose individuals that's it okay so there you have it that's your list the last thing I would recommend this is not even part of the uh the five or the four is consider because people always forget this but consider years of ownership too because we have so much data there could have been someone that bought this property recently and just forgot to pay their taxes I already see one and that's number five number actually number five and six they bought
00:29:04 they bought their properties in 2023 these are probably new homeowners who just forgot to pay their taxes so I don't I don't want that let's change the story a little bit I want at least five years of ownership or more because if you've been living here for five years or more you can't give me that oh I'm a new owner I forgot to pay taxes no no no no that's not an excuse you can use anymore so here are my 275 tax delinquent off Market 60% in equity single family two to four units individually owned for 5 years or more I
00:29:35 am now done I can check off my results like I'm doing right now and then add them to my first marketing list so I'll hit add to list and I can either add it to a list I'm already working on or in this scenario I would probably just create a new one Birmingham tax list and call it a day and that is the lead generation part one right search and filtering I don't know how you're going to filter but that's one way to do it the traditional way but then you're going to save your list like I just did and then you're going to decide okay
00:30:07 that's all I need just addresses so let's just export it but if you need phone numbers and emails you're going to want to continue onward with our toolbar that's our skip tracing if you want to send a postcard in email that's our campaign section so it kind of works down the tool bar now before I let you guys all go there's one way to build a list in prop stream and I think this is kind of fairly new to people so they're not used to it I called this building situations again in my tenure with working with real estate professionals
00:30:37 like yourself I've learned that aad is not always going to be on one of these categories as a matter of fact if you're stuck on that mindset this is where I many people get very frustrated they start asking questions like how fast is the data coming in or when are you guys going to have new leads the reality is data is going to come in when it comes in because there's a logistic process to it right and the way that our data works is we're going to always ask our providers every day what do you guys
00:31:03 have give it to us now right every 24 hours we query that's the word we query our data uh providers but that doesn't mean they have something like for example one of the categories that we have is deceased owners I can go into um Birmingham and see all the deceased owners we don't know when someone passes away so we can't tell you oh yeah wait till next Friday 13 more people are passing away and here's 13 more new records that's not something that we do so what happens is when someone passes away and we collect that data we tie it
00:31:37 to the title data that we have so a a deceased owner could appear today tomorrow a month from now I mean if you were to ask me I would never like to see anyone them appear right that's just my personal thing I know that's not reality but you get what I'm saying so some of these categories we can't time so there's two updates we update every day the providers have their own update and those are those are things that we can't time so what we had to do to help you out is while you're building your list
00:32:05 so let's I do want pre- probates that are you know residential single family and those are individuals there's a save button at the top so you can actually save that search and name it whatever you'd like and set up email notifications so now we can tell you hey you just got a new list or a new record on your pre- prob probate list so rather than you searching every day you can go about doing that okay so my point is Alita is not always going to be on a list right and we can't calculate when that next pre-foreclosure
00:32:37 is going to get updated so set up your safe searches but then think about what I'm about to say right now start considering building situations now before you do that here are just three important rules I want you to follow okay make sure it's off Market make sure has the equity you need and the property and owner type that you are looking for first and then go build your situation so give you an idea here one of my buddies did a ton who um one of my buddies made a ton of uh leads because of interest rates now while we
00:33:11 were hearing nobody wants to sell because interest rates are very very low that's not the reality here's what he did he went into every Market that he was in and he said I want an off-market property that's own or that has Equity so as let's say 30 I think was what he did single family residential owned by an individual for at least 10 years so individually owned minimum years of ownership 10 years and they live in that house so you're in this property here's the motivation while everyone was saying nobody wants to sell
00:33:49 because they have low interest rates he did the opposite he went into the market and said I need everybody with 10 years of ownership or more that has a high interest rate because now the opport to expose them to a low rate and see if they would be willing to sell so he went in here and said I want everybody with an 8% or higher that's who I need and there's 202 addresses with an 8% mortgage rate of 10 years of ownership or more so while your competition's calling pre-foreclosures and leans and
00:34:14 all that there are 202 homeowners paying a high monthly payment because of that interest rate that could lead into a bankruptcy that could lead into a pre-foreclosure in the future now do we wait for that or do we plant the seed today introduce our yourself and say Hey you know did you know rates are low maybe you might consider selling or would you like me to comp your property to see what it's worth today and that could start that conversation so Elite is not always going to be on the list and just like I
00:34:42 showed you I didn't pick a list I just said hey High interest rates that's who I want to talk to today here's another situation that's near and dear to me because this is the reason my dad sold our house when I was in Middle School he wasn't on any of these categories the reason my dad sold the house was this let me show you let me remove the mortgage my dad sold the house because for 10 years we were living in that house I have an older brother right we were teenagers at the time we were middle school but the reason my dad sold
00:35:10 the house is because we were in a single family property that was three bedrooms and this was the reason he sold it one bathroom that's the reason why he was tired of sharing one bathroom with teenage kids so now think about that how many of these homeowners 3335 of them are on a foreclosure list or on a lean list tell you right now my dad wasn't on any of those categories because he was paying the bills he didn't have the mortgage company hounding on his back the HOA wasn't on his back either so my
00:35:38 dad would have never been found on any of these categories so while you have a subset of people out there they're like I need to find someone on a list you have these homeowners that are not on a list that still want to sell their house for other reasons so while you're calling and saying hey if you have a pre-foreclosure call me back my posts are going to say you need another bathroom call me today I can show you my listings or you know maybe I can get you a contractor put a second bathroom in
00:36:04 there for you there's so many different people that you know could help this homeowner at the end of the day but that's my main point I want to bring across today is that when you're doing lead generation whether it's our product or maybe even the next product I don't care um just make sure you understand this concept of building situations uh because for me I I like to look at it as we were forced to do the traditional way that was how things were done but now that you have access to the data at your fingertips uh it's no
00:36:37 longer what I call like the fast food approach you don't have to pick a number anymore you can go in there and just start mixing things up um so Kelly um to your question at the very beginning you were saying well I would like to use this to find a buyer here's how I would find a buyer pull up any Market that you're in we have two categories for you we can show you all the cash transactions that have occurred in the market and these are not just regular cash transactions these are non-owner occupied cash transactions so the person
00:37:06 paying cash is not living in it right unless you're Filthy Rich and you're just doing that just to do that great but I would say most of them are investors so cash transaction is one of your categories the other category is flippers I like this one because it shows you that their property is now listed so the flippers are houses that were bought and then within two years are now active on the market so these are the two categories that you can look for but when you're building a buyer list think of it like building a
00:37:36 situation I'm looking for a cash buyer however not just any cash buyer right because there's cash buyers that buy tow houses vacant land office spaces you name it so build that situation I'm looking for a cash buyer who bought residential single family property like the lead I have right now however this property isn't a five-bedroom property it's three-bedroom so show me buyers that are buying two to four bedrooms this house that I have was also built in 1985 so I don't want a buyer who buys property after 2010 show me a buyer
00:38:14 who's comfortable with 1960 to 1990 properties I don't know if you guys are getting what I'm getting I'm I'm playing kind of like a dating game I'm matching a buyer with my listing okay so single family two to four bedrooms cuz this is a three property since it's built in 1985 I need someone from 1960 to 1990 okay now another thing to note is that these buyers could have been from many years ago here's a buyer from 2014 is this person still buying today I don't know so I can call them or ignore that
00:38:49 noise and say don't want the 10-year-old transactions I want to go to the owner information section and I only want all the transactions last sale date within the last two years that's it show anything beyond that probably not active anymore so January 1st of 2023 up until today so I'm going to leave that second part blank because that leaves it for present day now we're down to 1100 transactions in the last two years single family three to five bedrooms from 1960 to 1990 and then finally this is my my
00:39:22 personal advice to everybody remember when you're offering your contract to any buyer there's just like I showed you many different buyers office based buyers single family apartment buyers there's also buyers that have different strategies buyers that only do fix and flipping and buyers that only you know will take it because of a rental portfolio so the reason I'm saying that is do yourself a favor and try to find both find that cash buyer right that's the category that I chose at the very top who also owner information has
00:39:54 multiple properties so I'm going to go to the owner information section here numbers of properties own ah let's make sure they have anywhere between 15 five to 20 properties also under their name now why am I doing that well because now when I Market to these 831 cash transactions I'm going to be able to say I'm going to be able to know that not only are they buying properties in cash but some of these homeowners like this property here who was bought by Vu he bought it in cash uh this year oh wow
00:40:26 yeah he bought it in cash this year and he has two other properties under his name so now I can kind of understand his portfolio and say Hey you bought a property in my neighborhood or neighborhood I have a lead in it's similar to your portfolio transaction are you interested so these are things that I would highly recommend when you're building a buyer list Kelly is take advantage of those two categories cash buyers uh and flippers and then just kind of paint that story okay I want a flipper who buy single
00:40:57 family or cash buyer by single family not only that make sure it's recent not from 15 years ago and then I would say also use that numbers of property owned that's my personal preference so that way you're exposing your contract to not just a fix and flipper but both a fix and flipper and someone who might consider it as a rental property so your contract has multiple opportunities rather than just someone who sees it from one uh Viewpoint essentially all right and and that's where I'm going to
00:41:29 leave you guys off with I want to leave you guys off with some time to ask questions and I know Kelly you got to get out here at 3: so I don't want to take too much of your time um but Dan I I hope I was able to give enough information of value I see more people have come along the way so if you guys have any questions on what you saw today please let me know but remember the two main components of propstream are going to be our property details and lead generation uh so many ways to approach that especially when it comes to lead
00:41:57 generation and Kelly you have your hands up what's going on hey Burton thanks for going through that um I use prop stream up until probably about n months ago or so and so this is a good refresher for me I think there's been some things that have been added since I have been on Prop stream what I one thing I do like is the the email notifications whenever a new lead comes in based on whatever my search engine is it's good to know that you guys would doing that um a question I've always had is how do you determine who a
00:42:27 tired landlord is oh that's a great question what funnels them into that category so let me do you two things we actually on our website have all the definitions for that so let me put that in the chat so you can at least have that link for you um but the definition of tired landlord is a non-owner occupied property that has at least 15 years of ownership or more that's our definition of it now reason we we've made it into a list is because we we were seeing people do that naturally in the past
00:42:58 so before the tired landlord list was created we saw people doing this they would go in here and they would say okay go to Birmingham Alabama and I just need a non-owner occupied property uh with 15 years of ownership now the reason they chose 15 years of ownership is because the traditional mortgage is 30 years so the Assumption was if they have at least 15 years or more there should be at least 50% in equity or more on that property so what we noticed as a company was this was a very popular search we
00:43:28 took those two filters 15 years non-owner occupied and actually if you notice um the results so 10,876 if I go into lead list and I choose that number it should be the same number oh you know what no it's not going to be the same number I lied because that also includes unknown sell dates we have unknown sell dates as well so could be someone who has the property for like 60 years 100 years as well so that's what that category is it's 15 years of ownership or more also include unknown sell dates and they make sure
00:44:04 they're all non-owner occupied you're very welcome Kelly uh Karen you have your hand up what's going on hello thank you very much um I ended up joining a little later and want to know will this be shown somewhere else or can I um oh great question yeah this actually was recorded So after the and once we end the session um both Daniel and I will have a recording of that video and uh I'm sure we we'll get it over to you as soon as possible but I would say just give us about a a business day or two because of the
00:44:37 conversion of the the recording okay perfect thank you appreciate it anytime all right let me stop sharing my screen and again the overall picture or the overall goal of prop stream is to help you with the two things that you're probably already doing with or without us and that's analyzing property information and obviously doing that lead generation so um hopefully we can help you with both aspects or one or the other but if there's anything that you got out of today's presentation is just understand that there's a lot of leads
00:45:09 out there and some of them are just not going to be discovered because they're not going to land on a list so think of situations and have fun with that okay I have just one thing and thank you Burton very much for the uh comprehensive overview and thank you everybody um who spent time this afternoon on the on the call um one thing that that I thought was really cool is the skip tracing um you know you mentioned that you can sort of build your list access the the information make sure that it isn't
00:45:38 let's say on a Do Not Call List um you know are you are you seeing any best practices around like how to how to most effectively make contact with these with these people or is it just a pure number that's a really good question so um there's really no concrete evidence on like which marketing element is best across the board only because um you're going to have variables that are uncontrollable like when it comes to senior owners list that's probably not going to be an SMS uh list right like you're not going to be texting senior
00:46:12 owners and effectively getting communication that way with that list we're still seeing postcards and um cold calls very very popular with that audience as well um as for the more youthful um ownership let's say military um men and women who usually are in their young 20s when they first buy their property using a ga bill that might be an audience where test uh text messages um social media marketing might be more impactful in a sense so you know when you think about all the different possibilities
00:46:47 different categories different demographics um what it boils down to is eventually it all goes back to the core three which is email postcard cold calling that's usually right now become the three and the reason those are always the core three is because uh over the last few years we've seen regulations kind of uh hit things like ringless voice model was very big we even had it at one point but we had to remove it because the regulations came in we're starting to see that with sms's and even dialers are now becoming uh
00:47:18 starting to show up on radar so I would say if you're trying to be safe um email postcards and cold calling but cold calling I say hesitantly because to your point Daniel if they're on the Do Not Call list that's where it gets really tricky and I'm not a legal expert or not I I would recommend that you not call the list at all or the number when it's on a do not call list but some will say otherwise right so I'll leave that up to you uh those are typically the best three avenues for for marketing uh
00:47:50 across the board thank you I think Karen um have another question Al I'm not sure no I'm sorry I'll take my hand down I'm sorry no worries I'll do that sometimes in in the world I just walk around with my hands up well bton thank you very much Karen and Kell those who who are no longer on the call I really appreciate you all spending time and um and I just want to also add offer Market has had a propstream subscription and actively uses it every business day for probably the last three or four years since we started our
00:48:30 company um and we find it to be extremely valuable um just in terms of understanding more like you said the situation um and there's just so many different use cases for it that it feels like if you're trying to build wealth through real estate it's like one of those types of um resources that makes a lot of sense to to utilize and you can create an edge I appreciate you expl the you know the overlooked strategies as well I'm sure there's like a whole laundry list of of other similar ways to that's all I was hoping for that to
00:49:06 spark that little idea and hopefully you guys are like well you know I never thought about this I never thought about that and that's that's it because at the end of the day and our company this is our model is we understand the importance of giving you guys really really great data so that you guys can obviously be successful in what you do uh and in your businesses but we also understand why that's very important as well is because what you do with our data is you save the lives of people out
00:49:32 there uh so it's like a win-win-win situation if our data is good obviously you use our product that's a win for us but then you're also able to have success in your business so that's a win for you but then it's also a win for that homeowner or that buyer that's looking for that good deal so it's a win-win win and so we understand the the core responsibility of making sure we maintain uh high quality data so thank you for recognizing that Daniel I really appreciate that and I hope you have a wonderful day thanks again for
00:50:00 organizing this thank you all appreciate it have a great day take care everybody
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