These are tools and resources that you might find helpful while mastering all aspects of real estate.
Receive a free real estate valuation for your house, or a house you are interested in buying.
Use OfferMarket's Seller Savings Calculator to see how much you can save by selling your house without a real estate agent.
Use our DSCR Calculator to determine how much of a DSCR loan you qualify for, whether for rental property purchase or refinancing.
Use our mortgage calculator to understand your monthly payments for your primary residence or investment property.
Use our cash offer calculator to get a cash offer for my home. See a cash offer on house, cash offer for home, and house cash offer in seconds.
Run your numbers with our Fix and Flip Calculator to determine cash to close, profit and cash on cash returns.
Verify the legitimacy and competitiveness of your loan terms. Avoid deceptive DSCR, fix and flip, and hard money loan terms.
An online escrow calculator designed to help real estate professionals calculate and understand escrow starting balances. Get PDF, save and share your escrow calculations!
Land loan calculator gives you fast estimates for monthly payments, total interest, and costs. Plan your land purchase confidently today!
Loan quote