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100 Merridun Pl, Union, SC 29379, USA


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Comps Used: 518 Seigler Rd, Union, SC 29379 Sold: $840,000Sold on 02/04/20 2 acre lot 5 bd6 ba6,800 sqft 1730 Neal Shoals Rd, Union, SC 29379 Sold: $646,000Sold on 07/15/19 11 acres 4 bd3 ba2,530 sqft 105 Ralph Rdg, Union, SC 29379 Sold: $337,500Sold on 12/16/21Zestimateยฎ๏ธ: $342,400 $469,9006 bd4 ba3,600 sqft 831 Peach Orchard Rd, Union, SC 29379 PendingZestimateยฎ๏ธ: $452,000 bd4 ba2,828 sqft 228 Mount Vernon Rd, Union, SC 29379 Sold: $380,000Sold on 07/01/21Zestimateยฎ๏ธ: $414,600 Local Agents' Perspectives: Anthony Hannon (843) 231-9127 expected value after repair WITH LAND $1,350,000 or more. Philip Whitis (843) 503-8821 expected value after repair, with land "Well over 1 million". Zach Auqino (908) 763-8838 expected value after repair "Depending on how much money you put into repairs $1,500,000 easy" Property Pictures: Video-> **Additional Pictures in Zip File available upon request** **Estimate Repair Costs Itemized Sheet available upon request** Total ERC = 521K