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18456 Wexford St, Detroit, MI 48234, USA


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New assignable Contract: 18456 Wexford, Detroit MI ARV: $120,000 Asking: $30,000 3 bed/2.5 bath on basement w/ 2 car detached Newer roof and windows, solid foundation. Pipe burst causing water damage to lower-level flooring and plaster. Needs full cosmetic updates, new front steps and Complete roof on garage. respond to schedule a walkthrough. Do not show up without appointment. Only available to cash buyers who can close quickly. Buyers pay both sides of closing costs. • Wholesaler/Agents add and specify your fee/commission to top of an offer submitted. • Buyer to close in 5-10 days • $5000 non-refundable deposit required upon acceptance of offer. • Information provided is not guaranteed to be accurate, buyer to confirm all details. • We like partnering but please do not market or post this property without our expressed written consent.