Talk to Seller

2326 Myrtle St, Oakland, CA 94607, USA


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You can purchase this property for $300,000 cash and cover the mortgage on property. Mortgage is less than $6000 per month. You may also refinance to get a better rate on the mortgage. This method of transaction is called Sub 2. Remember, the mortgage is not in your name. Seller will keep the mortgage in his name, but you must pay it off... With this property, you can rent out both the upstairs and downstairs for $3500 and net $1500+ per month.
If it’s still confusing, run around the block and scream “ICE CREAM”..... I’m playing, if you have any questions, let me know. I also work with private lenders so if you need funding for another property, we can partner there.. I have a contract with the seller on this house and will get other properties soon as well...

Loan Type Rate Points Term

DSCR ("Rental")

6.5% - 8.5% 0.5 - 2 30 year

Fix and Rent ("Bridge", "Hard Money", "Fix and Flip")

10.75% 1 - 2 6 - 18 months