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WOW!!! This is a breath-taker, boastful 3420 square feet with 4 full bedrooms and 3 full baths. Oversized .33 acre lot with pretty shade trees. Desired area in Alabama. Beautiful open kitchen with elegant marble and stainless appliances. Peaceful covered front porch and screened in back deck. Double car garage. Open floor plan with large bedrooms and beautiful master bath. Priced to sell at $345,000. Move in for the holidays!!
Loan Type
DSCR ("Rental")
6.5% - 8.5%
0.5 - 2
30 year
Fix and Rent ("Bridge", "Hard Money", "Fix and Flip")
1 - 2
6 - 18 months
Apply for a DSCR Loan
* Takes 2 minutes, no credit pull
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