The address is: 7501 West Bucking Horse Rd, Sahuarita, AZ 85629
The other attached 20 acres does not have an address it’s APN: 30321097G
30 Acres; Largest property available in Sahuarita, AZ
Located in the SW corner of coveted development: Wrangler Ranches
Borders Indian Reservation and Navarro Ranch. No BLM.
15 min to Sahuarita Town/Green Valley, 20 to downtown Tucson.
4000 ft elevation (5-8 degrees cooler than Tucson)
30 Acres:
2 homes.( 2495 sq-ft, 640 sq-ft. guest house)
Owned 10 kw solar system. System generates more than is used.
1 working well / Dispenses 5 Gal p/m
Fenced and Cross Fenced.
Could potentially accommodate 20 head of cattle and/or horses if so desired
Additionally, the owner's fiancee owns an adjacent 30 acres, which she/they are willing to sell for 475K Cash.